Monday, February 08, 2010

Wrapping up our Bangkok based shooting opportunities

Salt production facility on the outskirts of Bangkok where we are able to photograph workers "harvesting" the salt and transporting it by wheel barrow to a covered storage area. In order to properly expose the white salt, I used a bit of positive exposure compensation.
This is my favorite elderly woman at the floating market. She's been selling potstickers from a boat for as long as I can remember. I bring her a photo each year and she's always very appreciative.
This green Buddha head was for sale in the market place, so I snagged a short depth of field shot which included a shopper to give the image a sense of place.
I snapped this child making a photo at the Grand Palace in Bangkok...she was so engrossed in her picture taking that she never noticed me.
Three monks shopping Ayuthaya
Child waving from bus during a school field  trip day in Ayuthaya

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